Despite the fact that many times there has been talk of reforming the pension system, nothing has been done about it. One of the problems that this sector is going through is that the deposits of the discounts that they make to the workers are not fulfilled.
Thus, according to information from the AFP Association (AAFP) and the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and AFP(SBS), there are 2,615 state entities the ones that maintain a debt of more than S/15,838 million (including interest for late payment) with their collaborators for AFPs, and more than 636,000 are affected.
Among the national government entities that owe the most are the Ministry of Educationthe Judiciary, the National Elections Jury and the Peruvian Army.
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As for regional governments, they top the list Junin, Piura, Puno, Cajamarca, Huánuco and Ayacucho. On the other hand, the most indebted municipalities of Lima and Callao are La Victoria, San Martin de Porres, Bellavista, San Juan de Lurigancho, Carmen de la Legua Reynoso, and Huaral.
The provincial municipalities that register fewer payments to individual accounts are Chiclayo, Pisco, Talara, Del Santa and Zarumilla.
In this regard, the representative of the AAFP, David Tuesta, indicated that this demonstrates the “penetration of informalization” in the State.
“This situation should be corrected, through a law, to force State employers to pay. It is not possible that, despite the fact that constitutionally it must guarantee a pension for the old age of Peruvians, it is the State that does not comply”, he claimed.
He considered that, as long as this situation does not change, it mainly harms those who are about to retire.
For its part, the former head of the SBS Juan José Marthans assured that there is an “unforgivable breach in view and patience of all”.
“Entities that receive fees and royalties should use part of that money to pay off debts. That would be done through a regulatory framework, and in a period of two or three years the debt could be paid off”he indicated.
For institutions that do not receive those benefits, Marthans recommended that a budget item be allocated for that purpose. “Finally, those who contribute to the fact that some people do not have a good pension is the State itself”, he added.
Legislative Proposal
An opinion has already been approved in the Congressional Economy Commission that authorizes the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) to make withdrawals in favor of Essalud and pension contributions from public sector employees.
In this way, the MEF would contribute directly, with which it is expected that the debts will be settled. The opinion is pending debate in plenary.
Congresswoman Susel Paredes has a bill that proposes criminal sanctions for officials who withhold and deduct social security contributions from state workers.
The parliamentarian’s proposal is currently before the Justice Commission of Congress for debate, and its objective is to prevent these types of cases from continuing to be generated.