The Municipality of Encarnación awarded, for a total value of G. 140,091,000, the Call for Tender No. 406,375 for the Acquisition of Rastra Plow and Motocultor for the Municipality of Encarnación. For this tender, offers began to be received on Monday, February 21, 2022.
In the tender that is within the category Major Machinery, Equipment and Tools – Transportation Equipment 2 companies were benefited. The procedure implemented to carry out the call for bids was Direct Contracting.
The call was presented by 3 companies, of which finally 2 of them were suppliers of said tender.
The awarded companies were Kurosu and Cia Sa represented by Jaime Hitochi Kurosu Ishigaki, Eva Rosa Rodríguez de Hermosilla, Antonio Maciel Rotela, Mina Kurosu Ishigaki, Basilio José Ramirez Flores and Noemi Claudia Cespedes (Proxy) for a value of G. 70,441,000, its participation as supplier represents 50.28% of the total awarded and Repsur Comercial Industrial SRL represented by Eduardo Elias Hrisuk Klekoc for a value of 69,650,000 with a participation of 49.72% of the total awarded.
To the call, 1 company appeared: Ferretería Industrial Sae (Fisae).
Source: DNCP