What sentences were there?
The Congress of Nuevo León was notified, but did not issue any sanctions at first. For which Samuel García filed an appeal for the incident of non-compliance with the sentence, in 2019.
In August of that year, the Electoral Court of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF) ordered the local Congress to issue a sanction for the governor, for having used public resources to gather the signatures.
However, “El Bronco” argued that the Legislature did not have a higher hierarchy than the Executive, so it does not have the power to sanction it. Based on this argument, he went before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) and obtained a provisional suspension against any sanction.
In June 2020, the Electoral Court of the Judicial Power of the Federation, after a resolution of a higher court supported the sanctions ordered . For which the local Congress had to sanction the ‘Bronco’ for the use of public resources for its electoral purposes.
In September 2020, the Nuevo León State Prosecutor’s Office fired 11 public servants for collecting signatures. But, according to the complaints, more than 500 officials had participated, from 25 state agencies in the case of the ‘bronchosignatures’.
However, given that Movimiento Ciudadano proposed a route other than impeachment to sanction Jaime Rodríguez Calderón “El Bronco”, the Court invalidated the process.
This Tuesday, the former governor was arrested for events related to the case of the ‘bronchofirmas’.