The use of hybrid clouds in Peru it is on the rise with a market projection of US$ 65 million in 2022 and a growth of 60% by 2025, according to GlobalData.
The Information Technology (IT) market revolves around a necessary convergence between infrastructures on the premises of organizations (private clouds), Public clouds and Local Clouds or “Landing Zone”, according to Jorge Gómez, Product Manager of InterNexa for the region.
The executive explains that there is a growing increase in the use of this convergence of services called hybrid cloud, where companies seek to integrate all their technological resources in multiple environments, exploiting from each of them some specialized services, performance, reliability , efficiency and the necessary protection for your information.
“Cybersecurity will continue to be a concern for companies. Therefore, implementing data protection strategies is a priority to avoid the vulnerability of cloud services, where hybrid clouds offer a competitive advantage by allocating information to the optimal location.”, says Gomez.
“Businesses in a digital age like the one we live in require a concentration of efforts on the applications and transactions that are part of the ‘core’ of the business. Some companies keep these custom developments, which force them to make large investments in infrastructure, maintaining high hidden costs in operation, support and obsolescence and inhibiting them from taking the step to cloud models.“, Add.
In the opinion of the specialist, combining the physical with the virtual is one of the best ways to develop a company in the current context of accelerated digital transformation. He also believes that a hybrid cloud helps to better manage work and consolidate IT resources.