In the research note, collected by Bloomberg, it is pointed out that not only would the number of migrants that arrive in the United States change, but also their composition. That is, a net figure of unauthorized migrants would be reached, due to half a million deportations that are expected every year, in compensation with the estimated number of asylum seekers and other types of migrants.
The problem could be aggravated, since, according to the authors, undocumented immigrants could “be afraid to go to work or the entrepreneurs fear using them”, then, “the economic consequences would be more serious.”
Undocumented or unauthorized migrants represent about 4.4% of total labor in the United States, but concentrates in certain sectors such as landscape (where gardening has an important role), construction services, domestic and private services, agricultural crops , food processing, among others.
In another analysis note, Goldman Sachs estimates that unauthorized migrants earn about 20% less per hour than authorized migrant workers, born in the United States, in comparable positions.
But companies affected by policies that reduce immigration would have to pay more salaries to compensate for the loss of a significant part of unauthorized workers.
And in the sectors with intensive use of labor, a fall in the immigrant offer could cause greater shortage of labor and higher expenses of the companies.