Dina Boluarte The trip to the United States of Ministers authorized on February 7 Elmer Schialer and Eduardo Aranaholders of foreign relations and human rights portfolios, respectively. Both will meet at Washington DC with representatives of the Inter -American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), where they will address the advances and implementation of the recommendations of the report entitled “Human Rights Situation in Peru in the context of social protests”.
Through the Supreme Resolution 020-2025-PCM, published in the Extraordinary Bulletin of Legal Standards of the Official Gazette El Peruano, it was reported that Minister Schialer will remain In the United States of February 9 to 12in commission of services. During his absence, the office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Lion León, will be commissioned.
Also, through Supreme Resolution 021-2025-PCM, Eduardo Arana will also travel to the US capital of the February 9 to 11to present to the IACHR the advances of Peru on the recommendations of said commission, who through a report concluded that the State committed human rights violations during the protests of 2022 and 2023. In its absence, the office of the Ministry of Justice will be assumed by the Minister of Labor and Employment Promotion, Daniel Maurate.
Both trips have the firm of President Dina Boluarte, the head of the ministerial cabinet, Gustavo Adrianzén, and the respective ministers. The Peruvian Foreign Minister will also support various work meetings with US government officials, in order to strengthen the bilateral relationship between the two countries, especially after the decisions taken by the American leader Donald Trump. While the Minister of Justice will also participate in a coordination meeting with the permanent representation of Peru before the OAS.
The travel costs of both ministers
Within the resolutions, the cost of the trips of both ministers are also reported. The trip of Foreign Minister Elmer Schialerto the United States will have a total cost of $ 4,937.51 or S/18,357.66. This amount includes $ 3,617.51 for air tickets and $ 1,320.00 for the per diem corresponding to the days of your stay. The expenses will be covered by the Budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
On the other hand, the trip of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Eduardo Aranawill have a total cost of $ 2.731.05 or S/10,154.04. This total includes $ 2,071.05 for air tickets and $ 660.00 for per diem for the days of their stay in Washington DC as in the case of Schialer, the expenses will be assumed by the budget of the portfolio he leads, the Ministry of Justice.
IACHR issued recommendations to the Peruvian State for violations of DD. HH. In protests
The Inter -American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) made two visits to Peru, one in December 2022 and another in January 2023, to evaluate the situation of human rights within the framework of the protests against President Dina Boluarte and Congress. During this period, 477 demonstrations were recorded, and the IACHR warned about the excessive use of force by the forces of the order, pointing out that there was no uniform response throughout the country. In several regions, such as Apurímac, Ayacucho and Puno, human rights violations were denounced, particularly because of the disproportionate and undiscriminate use of force.
The final report, the IACHR stressed that most fatalities and injuries were a consequence of the lethal action of the police and the armed forces. In Ayacucho, in particular, “serious human rights violations” were denounced that, according to the commission, must be investigated with an ethnic-racial approach.
Under that line, the commission also concluded that “there is a strong tension between Lima and the regions especially from the south of the country where the indigenous and peasant population predominates.” This, in addition to the confrontations between public authorities and the crisis of democratic institutionality, sharpened “the polarization and distrust of citizenship in institutions”