The preselected bands will go to a live audition before a specialized jury.
The District Institute of Arts – IDARTES announced the opening of the call for the Rock Festival to Park 2025, an opportunity for Bogotá musical groups and nearby municipalities to be part of the programming of one of the most emblematic rock festivals in America Latin
The event this 2025 will take placeS June 21, 22 and 23 at Simón Bolívar Park. For this edition, Idartes will grant 20 stimuli of $ 5,500,000 each to the selected bands.
“This scholarship is part of the Festivals to the Park and is aligned with the District Development Plan Bogotá Safe, which seeks to promote the appropriation of public space through art, promoting safe and inclusive environments,” said María Claudia Parias, director of Idartes.
Participation requirements will be available on the platform Sicon As of February 7, while inscriptions will be open from February 14 to March 21.
Interested groups must be made up of at least two members over 18, Colombians or foreigners, with a minimum three -year trajectory. In addition, they must reside in Bogotá or have up to 50% of their members in surrounding municipalities such as Soacha, Chía, Zipaquirá, Mosquera, Funza, among others.
Proposals must include original repertoires, it is also mandatory to present current artistic activity supports, such as launches, record productions or live presentations of the 2022, 2023 and 2024 years.
The evaluation will be carried out in two phases: an audio and video preselection, whose results will be published in Sicon and will be notified by email. The preselected bands will go to a live audition in May before a specialized jury.
This scholarship allows local bands to shine on the rock and international rock stage. An example is high grade, winner of the Rock Festival to Park 2023, which will be presented this year at the Vive Latino 2025 Festival in Mexico.
Source: Integrated information system