Environmental care is also enhanced with more friendly transport alternatives. In this sense, lTo mayor of Bogotá He gave a new update on cyclorrutasthe specific paths for those who use bicycles in the capital. This will happen in the coming months.
In accordance with the officially communicated, the city Pwill reserve 142 kilometers of cyclorrutas and add 31 new kilometers during this government management. In addition, he called on citizens to adopt the bicycle as a ‘Efficient and friendly transport alternative with the environment ‘.
Currently, the capital has a cyclorrutas network of 661.1 kilometers, and, according to the data revealed by the Mobility Secretariat, In 2023, more 880 thousand trips were held up to date.
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And more recently, since January 2024, the Urban Development Institute (IDU) 19,54 kilometers of cyclorrutas intervened, With routine maintenance activities, periodic maintenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction.
Besides, new new cyclorrutas linear kilometers has been deliveredincluding, for example, those enabled in the Córdoba channel and AV. Boyacá, between streets 170 and 183, among others.
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How many kilometers of cyclorruta does Bogotá have?
Bogotá has a 661.1 kilometers cyclorrutas. And among the recommendations to walk by bike in Bogotá are:
– It is important to plan the trips.
– Use the white and red white lights behind.
– In general, become visible using reflective elements.
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– Avoid the use of hearing aids or cell phones in the displacement that distracts attention.
– Notify the crosses.
– Avoid zigzaguear.
– Respect traffic standards and signals.
If you want to see the complete map of Bogotá cyclorrutas you can enter the following link: https://www.m.