The International Monetary Fund (IMP) has confirmed that negotiations with the Argentine government continue actively. Julie Kozack, IMF spokesman, recognized the economic plan of the Argentine government, but also stated that there are still “pending challenges.”
In a press conference, Kozack stressed that to maintain the advances made so far, it is necessary to adopt a consistent set of fiscal, monetary and exchange measures. The Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, has ruled out that it is negotiated with the IMP a devaluation or an immediate exit of the exchange rate.
However, the international entity has insisted on the need to continue advancing with reforms that foster economic growth. The discussions between the IMF and the Argentine government have been described as constructive and frequent.
The IMF has celebrated the progress in the decrease in inflation and the stabilization of the Argentine economy. According to Kozack, the new program will seek to build on these advances, at the same time that addresses the challenges that the country still faces.
The IMF spokeswoman stressed that there is a shared vision between the Argentine authorities and the IMF about the need to continue adopting a consistent set of fiscal, monetary and exchange policies. In the last hours, Caputo has reiterated that the agreement with the IMF will not lead to a devaluation or mean an automatic exit from the exchange rate.
Asked specifically about the policy with respect to the dollar, Kozack preferred not to give details, indicating that the discussions continue and that more information is expected when there are more details. He IMP He stressed that conversations with the Argentine government have been positive and that significant progress has been made in the reduction of inflation and stabilization of the economy.
However, the agency has insisted on the need to continue taking additional measures to maintain these advances. Kozack mentioned that the new program will seek to take advantage of the advances made so far and address the pending challenges facing the country.
He IMP He stressed that discussions with the Argentine government have been constructive and frequent. The spokeswoman indicated that to maintain the initial advances, there is a shared recognition between the IMF personnel and the Argentine authorities about the need to continue adopting a coherent set of fiscal, monetary and exchange policies.
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