Miami:- José Daniel Ferrerleader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), has recently denounced that the Cuban regime intensifies persecution against those who visit or provide some service.
In statements a Martí NewsFerrer said: “They are chasing everyone who in one way or another comes to our home, everyone who provides a service.” As an example, he mentioned that the motorist who transported him to buy a couple of mirrors, two political police officers approached him. In addition, he pointed out that the Political Police are trying to use individuals with mental disorders and alcoholism problems to attack their home and their family.
Ferrer, born on July 29, 1970 in Palma Soriano, Santiago de Cuba, is an outstanding human rights activist, exprrying black spring and a prominent figure of Cuban dissent. In 2011, he founded UNPACU, an organization that fights peacefully against the repression of civil liberties in Cuba.
His activism has earned him multiple arrests and imprisonment. The most recent occurred on July 11, 2021, during the protests in Santiago de Cuba, where he was accused of “alteration of public order” and remained in prison until his release in January 2025.
During his time in prison, Ferrer denounced having been the victim of torture and that his health deteriorated considerably due to prison conditions.
When leaving jail he told Cubanet: “For those brothers of struggle, for those known political prisoners and others that I don’t even know who they are: like many other Cubans inside and outside Cuba, and many other friends in the world, José Daniel will be doing everything humanly as possible, and a little more, for his unconditional release as soon as possible, to prevent them from dying either with tuberculosis or any other of the diseases that are affecting the criminal population in several parts of the country, or of beatings or for excessive torture that often use jailers against political prisoners and also against prisoners the common on many occasions; That is, their defense is a priority issue, it is an issue to keep in mind all the time. ”
Similarly Ferrer sent a message for the Cuban people in general, pointing out the importance of the union. “We must unite as much as possible, respecting identity, respecting criteria and respecting opinions but, beyond the issues that can separate us, there is a fundamental issue that is the future, the fate of our nation”
Despite the constant threats and harassment, José Daniel Ferrer continues his work as an opposition leader, advocating a democratic transition and respect for human rights in Cuba.