The National Superintendence of Higher Education (Sunedu) reported that the Academy of Magistracy (AMAG) granted two masters to a select group of the Judicial Branch and the Public Ministry, which includes judges and prosecutorswithout having the corresponding license to offer university education.
What seems another liveliness of higher education in our country, this time it has international connotations and repercussions, because in this scandal the University of Jaén is involved, with headquarters in Andalusia, Spain. The AMAG keeps under seven keys the identity of those affected, several of whom used the certificates to win points and ascend in the judicial career.
According to judicial sources and given the time in which the courses of the “Master’s own Master: Contemporary Magistracy-the Justice of the 21st century” were issued, it was organized when the institution was directed by Pedro Gonzalo Chávarry, Josué Pariona Pastrana, Ramiro de Valdivia Cano, Javier Arévalo Vela, Tomás Gálvez and Richard Villavicencio Saldaña And I had as general director Ernesto lettuce and academic director to Luis Pacheco Mandujano.
The SUENEDU The titles granted by AMAG and the University of Jaénimposed a fine of 87 thousand 217.38 soles to the Academy for the second edition of the Master’s own and decided to inform the authorities of the Kingdom of Spain, specifically to the University of Jaén, the National Agency for Quality Evaluation and Accreditation (Aneca) and the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universitiesthe dictation of the courses without legal support, “so that they proceed according to their functions and competences.”
After receiving the sanction of SUENEDUthe current directive of the Academy of the Magistracy reported that it has requested a subsequent action of control of the Comptroller General of the Republic to define responsibilities in the realization of the Master dictated as part of the agreement with the University of Jaén, Spain.
The agreements with the University of Jaén
Agreement between the Academy of the Magistracy and the University of Jaén-Spain
The masters began to be issued in March 2017 based on a framework agreement of Inter -institutional cooperation That, 2November 3, 2015the then president of the Academy, Josué Pariona Pastranahe signed with the rector of the University of Jaén-Spain, Juan Gómez Ortega. The first master was issued between March 20, 2017 and concluded the February 25, 2018.
He March 7, 2019 A second specific agreement was signed to organize the second edition of the Master, which was issued from the July 15, 2019 Until October 2020. The Master attracted the attention of the legal world why they allow you to obtain points in the appointment and rise competitions of the National Justice Boardbefore National Council of the Magistracy.
The Superintendency learned of these events in 2022, when various judges and prosecutors individually requested the revalidation of the titles delivered by the AMAG. Then, the same academy consulted whether they could be homologated or revalidated in Peru the titles granted to the participants in the dictated masters, as part of an agreement with the University of Jaén, Spain.
It was at that time when it was discovered that although the masters were advertised as virtually dictated by the University of Jaén, the Directorate of University Documentation and Information and Registration of Grades and Titles (Digrat); Lima centerin person and with Peruvian professors.
The AMAG organized and spread the event
Board of Directors of the Magistracy Academy during the first master’s degree addressed to judges and prosecutors
In addition, says Sunedu, that although the call was open to all the magistrates and jurisdictional personnel of the PJ and the Public Ministrythe Academy selected a select group of judges, prosecutors and jurisdictional personnel to receive the master’s degree, around 100 students, by edition.
In the first and second edition of the Master, each of those selected paid 100 registration soles and 800 soles of administrative expenses directly to the AMAG. In addition, each of the chosen ones had to pay $ 1,500 to the University of Jaén, in the first edition, and $ 1,600in the second edition.
For the time elapsed, the Academy of the Magistracy was saved from being sanctioned by the first master’s degree, having prescribed the lack of administratively. The sunedu could only impose the Fine of 87 thousand 217.38 soles For the second edition of the Master.
In the administrative process, the AMAG pointed out in its favor that being an autonomous institution, to which the Constitution He gives him the specialized training of judges, prosecutors and candidates for the magistracy, had the power to hold cooperation agreements to issue postgraduate courses and does not need accreditation before SUENEDU to develop their activities.
In addition, that in the fulfillment of the agreement with the University of Jaén, he only developed actions to facilitate the access of students to the program, “but did not provide the Higher University Educational Service” so it did not require any special authorization.
Masters required to comply with university law
The SUENEDU imposed a fine of 87 217.38 soles to the Academy of the Magistracy and exhorts it not to repeat these courses outside the legal framework
The response of the SUENEDU It was that although it does not require permission to train the magistrates, this is because it is not planned to work as a university. However, the activities that the master’s degree is carried out, such as dissemination, call, administrative management activities, show that “operated and developed activities that are essential and that configure the provision of the University Educational Service ”.
In addition, it was promoted as an organizer, disseminated it through the institutional emails, admitted and excluded applicants and students, provided information to the interested parties, established the courses, their schedule and modality of execution, facilitated its facilities for the dictation of classes face -to -face, its digital platform and support personnel, scheduled the development of the courses and the support of the final works, charged for registration and registration, coordinates the delivery of the titles.
The SUENEDU It makes it clear that he does not question the activities of the AMAG, only the issue of masters.
“The provision, operation or development of the educational service, due to its complex nature, is not reduced only to the dictation of classes, also encompasses the realization of activities such as the dissemination of the program, the call, the admission, to provide premises and facilitate the platform Digital for courses, approve the curriculum, schedule the dates of class dictation, subscribe the certificates of the training courses provided, among others, ”concludes the Superintendency.