The Rio de Janeiro State Government will remove 80 hooks from abandoned vessels for several years on the banks of Guanabara Bay. The operation, which will take 36 months and foresees the removal and final destination of ships and small wreck boats, will be funded with funds from the State Environmental Conservation Fund and Urban Development (FECAM).
Removal work is expected to begin in the second half of this year. R $ 25 million will be spent for cleaning and all the planning and logistics of the project will be executed by technicians from the State Environment Institute (INEA), using the georeferenced mapping of the waste made by the port captaincy of Rio de Janeiro.
A company will be bid to assist INAA in the removal and disposal operation of vessels. Until then, diagnostics and mapping will be developed from a Technical Committee on Monitoring and Evaluation (CTAA), with technical teams of the state environmental agencies, in addition to the Port Captaincy, Ibama, the Sea Economy Secretariat and the city hall of the surrounding cities of bay.
The hooves are on the São Lourenço Canal, in Niterói, as well as regions in the municipalities of Rio de Janeiro and São Gonçalo, mostly around the island of Conceição. The wreckage will be removed by a demolition method and, after evaluation of the commission, will be sent to the correct destination.
Abandoned hooves obstruct navigation routes and aggravate the situation of the dependent communities of artisanal fishing.