It was May 9, 2023 when Mexico ended the health emergency by COVID-19, after considering that it fulfilled the characteristics established by the World Health Organization (WHO) to suspend it.
The Ministry of Health explained that in the country the levels of immunity for infection or vaccination are already high, and the decrease in the number of cases, hospitalizations and deaths.
Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who was still the president of Mexico, signed the decree to conclude the emergency situation that began on March 23, 2020, due to the ravages that began to cause the new coronavirus.
In the same way, the validity of different agreements issued by the General Health Council (CSG) and the Secretary of Health to instruct extraordinary action in the field were suspended.
For May 9, on average, almost 95% of people in Mexico already had antibodies against the Sars-Cov-2 virus, either because it was infected and ill, or because it was vaccinated; The foregoing, according to the preliminary results of the National Health and Nutrition Survey 2022 (Ensenut 2022).
The new Variants of Coronavirus
Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez, head of the Undersecretariat of Health Prevention and Promotion (SPPS) said that the variants that began to arise from the virus had less capacity to cause serious damage and the clinical management of patients improved based on risk groups and presentation of cases.
In this regard, he clarified that Covid- 19 is already considered an endemic and non-epidemic disease; That is, it will be present among the population forever, with predominance in the winter season.
The Covid-19 pandemic ends in the world
On May 4, WHO determined that COVID-19 is now an established and persistent health problem that no longer constitutes an emergency of public health of international importance, given the high levels of immunity and the decreasing trend in the appearance of cases, hospitalizations and deaths.