In his first speech as mayor sworn in, for a crowded plenary, federal deputy Hugo Motta (Republicans-PB) thanked the wide vote, who called a “historical consensus” and called for national union. “We can think differently, but we are all the same. Whatever the worldview, Brazil unites us and can never separate us. We are the Brazilian people and Brazil is our only country,” he said.
The new president said his commitment will be to serve Brazil. “The Brazilian people do not want to discord or employment. The Brazilian people do not want to struggle for power, whether the powers fight for him. The Brazilian people do not want the division of ideology, but the multiplication in their daily lives. We do not have time To make mistakes, it arrives from zero to zero. The Brazilian people want results, or job improvement, better education for their children, or safety, a better future, a better Brazil, “he added.
In a nod to financial and business sectors, Hugo Motta defended fiscal liability measures and emphasized that “nothing is worse for the poorest than inflation, the lack of stability in the economy.” “There is no democracy with social chaos, there is no social stability with economic chaos,” he noted.
Regarding the collection for transparency in parliamentary amendments, although he did not mention the theme directly, Hugo Motta defended a “radicalization of transparency in the accounts that are, by definition, public” and spoke in the creation of an integrated platform of all powers of the Republic with budget resources data.
Motta said that strong parliament is a barrier of protection of democracy and called for harmony among the three powers. “No one owns the Constitution,” he preached.
At different times in his speech, he quoted Ulysses Guimarães, president of the Constituent Assembly, to defend a strong parliament. “No power can everything and that all, only all, can all represent democracy. Without harmony, democracy can be hopelessly fractured. I will be a guardian of independence and a permanent sentinel of harmony,” he insisted.
Finally, in another mention of the defense of democracy, Hugo Motta made a reference to the Brazilian film I’m still heredirected by Walter Salles and starring Fernanda Torres, who narrates Eunice Paiva’s trajectory in the fight against the dictatorship after her husband, Rubens Paiva, was arrested, tortured and executed by agents of the military dictatorship who ruled Brazil Authoritarian between the 1960s and 1980s, chasing and killing opponents. “I leave a message of optimism: we are still here,” Motta closed, pulling applause from the plenary.
The movie I’m still here and Fernanda Torres compete Three Oscar Award categories this year.
Board of directors
The command of the House of Representatives for the next two years was defined, in a vote in the plenary of the house, held on Saturday afternoon. The presidency of the House will be of the federal deputy Hugo Motta (Republicans-PB), the youngest to occupy the position in the democratic period.
He obtained the support of 444 of the 513 federal deputies, defeating competitors Marcel Van Hattem (Novo-RS) and Pastor Henrique Vieira (PSOL-RJ), who obtained 31 and 22 votes, respectively. There was a record of two blank votes.
Following his election, Hugo Motta, already sworn in, found the vote for the other six positions that make up the Board of Directors: 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, 1st Secretary, 2nd Secretary, 3rd Secretary and 4 Secretary, as well as four alternates.
The unique plate registered by the Parliamentary Block to support the now new mayor of Deputies was elected, consisting of 17 of the 20 parties with seat in the house. There were no separate candidacies for any of these positions.
Thus was the new management of the House of Representatives for the next biennium:
– Presidency: Hugo Motta (Republicans -PB) – 444 votes
– 1st Vice Presidency: Altineu Côrtes (PL-RJ)- 440 votes
– 2nd Vice Presidency: Elmar Nascimento (Union-BA)- 427 votes
– 1st Secretariat: Carlos Veras (PT -PE) – 427 votes
– 2nd Secretariat: Lula da Fonte (PP -PE) – 437 votes
– 3rd Secretariat: Delegate Katarina (PSD -SE) – 445 votes
– 4th Secretariat: Sergio Souza (MDB -PR) – 432 votes
Deputies Antonio Carlos Rodrigues (PL-SP), Paulo Foletto (PSB-ES), Dr. Victor Linhalis (Somos) and Paulo Alexandre Barbosa (PSDB-SP) were voters for the deputy of secretariats.