The president of the Trade Union Central, Marcelo Abdala, said that on Monday, February 3 at 9:30, the UNTMRA will concentrate on the door of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, and will seek to speak with the authorities of the Japanese company.
The president of the PIT-CNT, Marcelo Abdala, held a press conference on Friday where he emphatically rejected the decision of the Japanese company Yazaki to leave the country “without prior notice and without any instance of prior negotiation”, leaving without work 1,500 people.
For Abdala, the company’s actions was “absolutely unfair” with the workers, since they were not allowed to look of activity that includes Yazaki.
Even the president of the PIT-CNT reported that not even the authorities of the Ministry of Labor had been informed of the situation. “It really is an outburst against workers who did not deserve this resolution, as well as against the authorities and against the country,” said Abdala, who said it was “enormous sadness” to find out the situation.
“It is something that summons us all, both to Uruguayan society, and to the actors of the world of work, and the outgoing and incoming authorities, to reflect how to change the rules of the game,” said the trade unionist.
Yazaki in Uruguay was a supplier of cable harnesses and the electrical systems of Toyota cars and had two floors, one in the stones and one in colony. According to Abdala, at no time the company had given signs of wanting to leave the country, but on the contrary, continued hiring and had requested the prolongation of the land of the land in Canelones where the plant was installed. “All of that shows that the decision was absolutely covert, and speaks of the moral mood of transnational capital and how they acted in a treacherous way,” said the president of the PIT-CNT.
As he said, this situation shows the need for authorities to reveal with what rules and under what parameters the transnational capital must move in our country.
“Here are taxes that have been exonerated, locations where the industry belonging to the State was installed. These activities have to be beneficial not only for the profitability of the company, but also for society itself. The automotive industry is not based on free trade, it is an industry in the hands of transnational companies and is strictly regulated, an industrial policy is absolutely essential for a sector that generates currency, quality work and diverse positive multipliers effects but within the framework of Another region and country project, ”said Abdala.
For the leader of the Trade Union Central, when the commercial flows of the automotive sector in the region are left liberalized, “what is benefiting is the localization or relocation decisions adopted by transnationals based on the unilateral interest of profitability,” said. And highlighted the need to diversify the productive matrix and industrialize the country.
The entrance Pit-Cnt rejected the “unfair and undercover” decision of the Yazaki company to leave Uruguay and leave 1500 people out of work was published first in The digital echo.