Journalists who attended the first hearing of precautionary measures for former president Evo Morales, installed in a court in the city of Tarija, last Tuesday, January 14, suffered shoves and restrictions on their informative work, according to sources of the monitoring unit of The National Press Association (ANP).
The correspondent of the newspaper El Deba, of the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, David Maygua, was moved away by a security police officer from the Court in charge of the case.
The journalist tried to record the statements of the president of the Departmental Court of Justice, Jenny Cortez, and the Criminal Instruction Judge, Nelson Rocabado.
Maygua claimed a captain already two police officers for the restrictions on the work of journalists and recalled that the audiences are public and cannot restrict the informative work.
Other reporters failed to enter the audience room because they were not registered in a list prepared by a responsible for dissemination of the judicial entity.
A Radio Fides Tarija reporter together with about 10 camaragraphs and digital media sent were evicted from the hall where former Morales president is processed for an alleged case of trafficking in persons with aggravating person.