After an anonymous complaint against Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani in the newspaper El País, Several controversies have emerged again on their person in the Peruvian Catholic context and their relationship with the Opus Dei. In a recent article in this Spanish media, the journalist Renzo Gómez Vega made a prelate profile.
“He was proclaimed Cardinal by John Paul II with just 57 years; it has been distinguished by the State with the highest recognition that can be granted: order the sun and medal of honor in the degree of great cross; and according to some media it was close to being The first Latin American Pope in the 2005 conclave. Six universities granted him the Honoris Causa doctorate; Having these decorations, Juan Luis Cipriani always divided waters by his belligerent and ultraconservative mood. His sins under his cassock, “reads the first paragraph of the article.
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Beyond the complaints of abuse, the article also mentions that Cipriani has been harshly criticized for its statements on women’s rights and the LGTBIQ+community. In 2016, it caused indignation by insinuating that rape victims could be responsible for what happened, and in 2017 he expressed his rejection of the educational curriculum with a gender approach through derogatory comments. His strong opposition to abortion and certain family conceptions consolidated him as one of the most conservative leaders of the Peruvian Church, with support of Fujimorism and ultraconservative sectors.
Likewise, the article recalls that, throughout its trajectory, Cipriani He faced accusations of cover -up, plagiarism and closeness with the military forces during the internal conflict in Peru. In the 1990s, he was pointed out for his derogatory attitude towards human rights organizations. Today, at 81, his legacy remains surrounded by controversy, with voices that require clarifying complaints against him and others who ask for justice.
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What does the complaint against Juan Luis Cipriani say?
In 2019, Juan Luis Ciprianiexarzobispo de Lima and first cardinal of the Opus Deihe resigned from the order and left Peru after being accused of sexual abuse against a minor, who is currently 58 years old. According to the newspaper El País, the events date back to 1983, and the scandal marked a breakdown in its ecclesiastical career. Although the Vatican He announced that the Pope accepted his resignation as part of the protocol that requires bishops to present his resignation when he turned 75, the speed with which he approved raised suspicions, then revealing the true cause of his departure.
After these complaints, Cipriani was disabled to use the habits and symbols of his position, as well as to participate in future conclaves. This last restriction lost relevance, since in December 2024 he turned 81, exceeding the maximum age allowed to vote in these events. A canonical process was not carried out against him, since the measures were voluntarily accepted by the expression, who since then has maintained a discreet profile.
Despite his ecclesiastical retirement, Cipriani returned to Peru on January 7 and received from the mayor of Lima, Rafael López Aliaga, the Medal of the Order of Merit in the degree of Grand Cruz. The act was disseminated in the networks of the municipality, where it was stated that the formerSacerdote, a member of Opus Dei, as well as the mayor, did not carry Sotana or any cardinal symbol. This recognition generated controversy, considering the weight of the accusations that motivated his retirement several years ago.