The Minister of Justice and Public Security, Ricardo Lewandowski, said on Wednesday that (29) the Federal Police (PF) increased by 70% the number of seizures of goods and money from organized crime. The data is part of the work balance done by PF in 2024.
According to the survey, the seizures conducted by the PF resulted in the total amount of R $ 5.6 billion, 70% higher than the year 2023, when R $ 3.3 billion were seized.
For the minister, the increase in the number of seizures demonstrates that the PF is decapitalizing organized crime in the country.
“This data not only demonstrates the success of operations, but also the direct impact on reducing the capacity of action of criminal factions in our country,” he said.
Ricardo Lewandowski also highlighted the main investigations carried out by the agents, such as the finalization of the inquiry that dealt with the death of Councilwoman Marielle Franco and driver Anderson Gomes, in 2018.
“The elucidation of these crimes, which for years permeated Brazilian society with the sense of impunity, was another victory of the diligent work of the Federal Police,” he added.
There was also an increase in the number of drug seizures. Over last year, the PF seized 74.5 tons of cocaine, number 2.8% higher than the amount seized by 2023. There was a 15% increase in marijuana seizures and 20.7% in Ecstasy.
Environmental Crimes
The PF survey also shows a reduction in deforestation. Last year, a 30% drop in deforested areas throughout Brazil, from 16,500 square kilometers (km²) in 2023 to 11,500 km².
The PF also registered a 11.6% drop in firearm registration emissions. In 2023, there were 28,402 records. Last year, 25,097 emissions were made.
Weapon size emissions fell 30% and went from 2,469 (2023) to 1,727 (2024).
According to the director general of the Federal Police, Andrei Rodrigues, the reduction occurred because of the policy adopted by the federal government to restrict the granting of records, which were facilitated during the Jair Bolsonaro government.
“We have a reduction in the firearm record and a reduction in the granting of firearms, following the public policy determined by the Brazilian government, which we are the compliances,” he added.
International cooperation
During the presentation of the data, the director general of the Federal Police, Andrei Rodrigues, defended international cooperation to continue the fight against organized crime in Brazil, which involves ties with environmental crimes, drug trafficking, among others.
Rodrigues highlighted the election of delegate Valdecy Urquiza, held last year, to command the secretary general of Interpol, a group that brings together police professionals from various countries.
“We have to work outside our borders, with international cooperation, with integration, data exchange, information, experiences and training,” he said.