Quality education, institutional respect and vocational training are among the main demands of black and black transvestites and transsexuals in Brazil, according to the unpublished study Black transvestiteities: social movement, activism and public policieslaunched this week by the National Black and Black Transsexuals Forum (Fonatrans).
According to the survey, for 32% of respondents, when asked what the state can do to improve the lives of trans people, the priority is quality education. Respect for institutions appears in second place, pointed out by 17%, followed by vocational training, 16%guarantee of permanence in school (9%), a welcoming culture (8%), employability (4%), psychological assistance (2%), public safety (2%) and health warranty (1%).
Research, in full, is available on the internet in the Fonatrans website.
The survey was based on 300 questionnaires answered online by transgender people from all states and the Federal District.
According to the research author, Fonatrans researcher Jessyka Rodrigues, who is also a researcher at Fiocruz Piauí, the unprecedented study is focusing on the black trans population. “We can’t build public policies without bringing this information about trans, transvestites, black people in Brazil. Historically, we are marginalized and erased our status of citizens and citizens in society, ”he argues. “The most important in the research, which we also have to be evident, is the black population that is within the research saying, look, we exist.”
The data show that for many of these people, public policies seem to be distant. For 21%of interviewees, policies aimed at trans people in Brazil need urgent improvements, are unaccompanied (19%), poorly effective (19%), do not offer adequate (15%) or insufficient (14%). Only 7% said these policies are good.
Regarding access to these policies, 40% said they were never assisted by a specific policy for transgender people, another 49% had access to the name rectification in the birth record and 3% had access to the social name portfolio. Only 2% attended a trans outpatient clinic.
Black trans population
The study outlines the profile of black and black transvestites and transsexuals and shows that in Brazil there is still access to basic rights, such as education, health, housing, leisure, among others, and that these rights are claimed by this portion of the population, which is also different.
The questionnaires were answered by trans transvestites, non -black (55.67%), brown (42.89%) and indigenous (1.44%), with disabilities (92.97%) and disabled (7, 7, 7) 03%).
Most said they have already suffered racism and transphobia (70.14%), another 24.12%have already been transphobia, which is prejudice and discrimination against trans people, and 5.74%, racism.
Most people interviewed no longer study (61.74%) and even have completed high school (35.65%). Another 14.35% did not complete high school and 5.22% did not even conclude elementary school. Among the respondents, 9.57% have postgraduate and 8.26%, higher education.
The main reason for abandoning the studies was the financial difficulties (52.07%), followed by transphobia (28.79%).
Regarding health, 20% do not usually attend health facilities and point to the main reason for transphobia and poor care as obstacles to access.
About work, less than half, 45.83%, have some formal jobs. Among those in the informal market, prostitution appears first, with 15.2%. The largest portion, 41% of the total, receives less than one minimum wage per month, which is currently equivalent to R $ 1,518.
Regarding access to social programs such as Bolsa Familia, the federal government’s income transfer program, one third, 33%, are registered.
Despite being a guaranteed right and anyone over 18 may apply to the Civil Registry Office of origin to adapt their birth certificate or marriage to self -perpetual identity, the study shows that more than one third did not do so because It states that they do not have resources (32%) or because it did not have time or did not want (10%).
The research points out that many people were left out of the questionnaire, especially the most vulnerable, for which the questionnaire applied to the internet did not arrive.
The study makes a number of recommendations to ensure the inclusion and rights of transgender people in the country. Among the measures are the reservation of vacancies at public universities and public and private companies; the guarantee of gratuity in the Civil Registry in the rectification of first name and gender; policies to combat violence and discrimination and decent and safe housing.
Fonatrans’s National Health and State Health and State Coordinator, Thaylla Vargas, who is also an assistant in clinical research at the Evandro Chagas National Institute of Infectology (Ini-Fiocruz), stressed the importance of having data from black people trans .
“We can now, with this research, with this data, show how much this affects the population in mental health, financial issues and especially housing,” he explains. “The trans population is aging, those who don’t die can get older and have nowhere to live,” he warns.
The study was launched on January 27, in Brasilia, when he was presented to the ministers of racial equality, Anielle Franco, and human rights and citizenship, Macaé Evaristo.
In Rio de Janeiro, the study will be presented on February 7, at the Museum of Life, at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz).