Santo Domingo.- Two teenagers, identified as Grismerdy Medina and Sheila Hernándezboth of 13 yearsthey were reported as Dthat appeared This Tuesday in the sector NEW NEIGHBORHOODin the other band, province Santiago.
According to familyone of the minors was contacted by two men through the game online Free Firewho supposedly They promised phonesclothing and special treatment.
Carla Medinamother of GrismerdyHe informed that his daughter left Monday at 8:00 in the morning to school and since then she has not returned. For its part, Alexandra Hernándezmother of Sheilahe said that his daughter had told her plans to a premium hours before disappearing.
Read: They believe osamanta found in Salcedo can be of disappeared teenager a year ago
Both mothers filed the complaint with the National Policewhich will begin the search with the cameras analysis security to determine the journey of the minors.
Finally, relatives ask those who have information to communicate with the authorities or the phones: 829-622-5890 and 829-338-5359. “We are desperate, we have not slept,” Hernández said.