The president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, stressed that thanks to the reform of the Organic Law of Electoral Processes and the elaboration “of the Novise” Organic Law Simón Bolívar against the blockade and defense of the homeland, carried out by the Venezuelan Parliament During 2024, the electoral body had tools to summon megaelections on April 27.
Rodríguez proposed to the plenary officiate to the CNE to apply these new instruments so that those fascist leaders who continue to ask for sanctions and blockade against the country cannot participate in LOC elections since these actions against the country, are under the lead umbrella of the Organic Law Simón Bolívar against the blockade, for the defense of democratic expression. “This is a crucial moment for the defense of peace and dialogue,” he said.
The president of the National Assembly recognized the work of the governing body of the Electoral Power to establish the electoral schedule of next 27 since this year 9 comical processes will be developed in the country.
He assured that the PSUV and the Great Patriotic Pole will recognize all the results that result from the electoral contest of April 27 issued by the National Electoral Council.
This was stated after being approved unanimously in the plenary session of the National Assembly on Tuesday, January 28, the agreement in support of the call made by the National Electoral Council (CNE) to choose the deputies to the National Assembly to the National Assembly , Governors of the States and legislators of the Legislative Councils, Mayors and Municipal Councils.
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