Within the framework of the Firmness Plan, in the last 24 hours, the National Police apprehended 206 people. Of them 164 were by trade, in flagrancy, 18 for administrative offenses and six for microtrafficking.
80 search proceedings were carried out where seven firearms were seized with 99 ammunition, the sum of $ 10,396 in cash, 120 drug packages, a car, a vehicle with aft denunciation was recovered, in addition to 11 solid drug fragments, Six cocaine wrappers, five marijuana wrappers and a dry grass bag.
In terms of transit, 1,043 infractions were placed, of which 180 stand out for speeding, 31 for expired licenses, 20 for proven drunkenness, 16 to speak by cell phone, 10 per expired license and six per alcoholic breath. 46 crane vehicle were towed for various causes.