An accident involving a minibus and a trailer, this Saturday morning (25), in Rio de Janeiro, left two dead and 23 injured, four of them in serious condition. The accident occurred on the Presidente Dutra highway (BR-116), close to the Seropédica tollbooth, in Baixada Fluminense.
The Federal Highway Police (PRF) stated that the accident happened shortly before 7 am in the morning. Fire Department teams with the help of a corporation helicopter rescued the injured.
According to the concessionaire EcoRioMinas, which manages the stretch of highway, six injured people were taken to the Hospital Geral da Posse, in Nova Iguaçu, in Baixada Fluminense. Two of those injured are in serious condition. The other victims were rescued at the scene and later released.
According to the PRF, the inspection has already been carried out on site and one of the lanes of the road has already been opened to vehicle traffic.