They recover stolen customs vehicle in Rio Branco and stop the person in charge.
On the afternoon of January 22, a customs officer in Rio Branco denounced the theft of a Fiat Palio car of Brazilian origin from the customs deposit in Puerto Seco.
Thanks to the video surveillance cameras of the Departmental Unified Command Center, it was detected that the vehicle crossed the Barón de Mauá bridge to Yaguarón, Brazil.
After a rapid intervention of police in the area of Investigations II, in collaboration with the Brazilian Military Police, the car was intercepted and arrest its only occupant.
The detainee, Maiko Lennon Pintos Pellejero, 33 years old and with a judicial record, was subjected to justice. The lawyer of the 1st turn of Rio Branco sentenced him to 10 months in effective prison for an aggravated reception crime. The vehicle was recovered.