The Senate approved today (28) the regulation of the profession of documental dispatcher. The bill (PL) referring to the subject was approved by the Chamber of Deputies and now goes to presidential approval.
The documental dispatcher is the professional responsible for monitoring the processing of third-party processes and procedures in public bodies. Likewise, it must comply with diligences, attach documents, provide clarifications, request information and reports, as well as perform all pertinent and necessary acts for mediation or representation.
According to the rapporteur of the PL in the Senate, Otto Alencar (PSD-BA), the documentalist dispatcher “acts, for the most part, in reducing bureaucracy in the life of Brazilian citizens in their duties with the public administration of any of the federated entities”. In the rapporteur’s assessment, this professional saves his clients’ time and prevents the existence of avoidable conflicts between the public administration and those the professional is representing.
According to the approved text, in order to practice the profession, it will be mandatory to be registered with the Federal Council or with the Regional Councils of Documentalist Dispatchers, established by Law 10.602 of 2002). The professional must be over 18 years old or emancipated, and graduated in a technological course of documental dispatcher, recognized by law.
*with information from the Senate Agency