The Labor Party (PT) called on the Permanent Commission of the Congress of the Union to urge the Ministry of the Interior (Segob) to give more radio and television time to the National Electoral Institute (INE) so that it can inform detail what the voting process will be like in the next judicial election.
Through a point of agreement, Senator Geovanna Bañuelos (PT), assured that although the electoral ballots that will be used in the extraordinary electoral process of the Judiciary, “without a doubt, are understandable and differentiable”, their characteristics must be socialized to that voters know how to identify the colors and details of each of them.
For this reason, he explained that it is necessary to give greater dissemination to “such an important process”, through more radio and television time to the INE, who could give greater dissemination to the extraordinary electoral process in which judges, magistrates and ministers will be elected. , emphasizing the characteristics of the ballots, so that citizens have knowledge about the voting format and mechanics, and thus guaranteeing the issuance of an informed vote.
Strengthen dissemination
Likewise, the legislator proposed that the INE reinforce this dissemination through the media, social networks, its official website and the places with the greatest attendance.
It should be noted that this proposal occurs in the midst of a budget cut to the INE, which forced it to readjust downwards the resources allocated to the area of social communication, which is responsible for disseminating the judicial election.