The National Learning Service (Sena) issued a statement in response to the report presented by the Comptroller General of the Republic (CGR) on a alleged patrimonial detriment of $47,000 million in the institution.
According to the report of the control entity, said fiscal findings would be associated with the management of resources of the Emprender Fund of the Sena and contracts related to the extension of a declaration of manifest urgency for the provision of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) services.
In its statements, the institution indicated that it is not aware of the opening of any fiscal responsibility procedure for the events reported by the Comptroller’s Office. For this reason, explained that there is no failure of this nature that allows us to affirm the existence of irregularities for that amount.
“The Sena has responded to each and every one of the requirements of the Comptroller’s Office and has acted at all times in accordance with the constitutional and legal principles that govern public service and state contracting. It should be noted that the determination of a patrimonial detriment “It is the result of a procedure that must strictly observe respect for due process.”mentioned in the document.
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In response to a press release published by the Comptroller General of the Republic, SENA reports that there is no ruling on fiscal responsibility that allows affirming the existence of a patrimonial detriment of 47 billion pesos.
— SENA (@SENAComunica) January 20, 2025
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In relation to the results of the compliance audit carried out by the CGR, the entity clarified that it provided “timely manner” all the required information and “actively collaborated with the “necessary explanations” during the process. In the same way, he highlighted that, once the findings were identified, improvement plans were developedwhich were reviewed and approved by the same control body, “ensuring that the measures were clear, viable and aimed at resolving the observations detected.”
“Currently, the Sena is executing the activities defined in said plans, complying with the commitments established to guarantee the optimization of processes and the proper management of public resources, and the Comptroller’s Office carries out periodic monitoring to verify compliance with the activities. and commitments established in the improvement plan”, added the entity.
Regarding the revocation of the bidding process for the selection of technological services, the Sena highlighted that this decision It was carried out in compliance with current regulations, “prioritizing transparency, legality and objective selection”. The institution also assured that revocation is a legitimate practice when possible effects on the general interest are detected.
Regarding the Emprender Fund, the entity assured that this operates normally and the resources destined for its operation are not at risk.
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