A month had to pass since the tragedy before they officially gave their defense for the ecocide in Talara, Piura, on December 20. The Energy and Mines Commission has summoned the Minister of Energy, Jorge Luis Montero, for Tuesday the 21st, at 11:00 am; the president of Petroperú, Alejandro Narváez; and the general manager of that entity, Óscar Vera, to respond for said oil leak as well as for the current situation of the state oil company.
This is the summons to the Minister of Energy, Jorge Luis Montero, and the board of directors of Petroperú.
Perú21 had access to the summons from the head of the Ministry of Energy and Mines and to the board of directors chaired by Alejandro Narváez, who is a member of the Together for Peru (JPP) party.
This summons tacitly includes its general manager, Óscar Vera, who is registered in the Alianza Para el Progreso party, led by César Acuña,
The document states that the guests will have to “report on various matters related to the national oil company Petroperú.”