In the middle of a heartbreaking scene, they found the body of little Laya Khalesi Llahua (04), inside a mailbox, just a few meters from where they found her hat. The police secured the area, while they are waiting for the Public Ministry to remove the body.
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After the discovery, the parents and residents were shocked and asked for justice, in addition to requesting investigations to determine the cause of death. Today, Friday the 17th, the residents continued with the search for the minor, when around noon they showed the cave where they found Laya’s hat. A few meters away on a stone wall they found traces of blood that were presumed to be that of the girl. These traces will be investigated by the police.
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After carrying out an inspection in the area, they realized that there were some mailboxes in which they needed to search, so in the afternoon they decided to return to the place to continue the search. Unfortunately, Laya Khalesi’s body was found in one of the mailboxes.