”The monitoring and necessary actions will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Law, to proceed against whoever is responsible for the aforementioned events,” the authority said.
Conanp recalled that the entry of all-terrain vehicles into the crater is prohibited in accordance with the provisions of the Protected Natural Area Management Program.
The above, due to the negative impacts that they can cause to the water, soil, vegetation, flora and fauna of the site.
Due to the extreme weather conditions that prevail as a result of cold front number 23, access to the Nevado de Toluca Flora and Fauna Protection Area remained temporarily closed to the public since last week.
Conanp reiterated that the protected natural area preserves important mountain ecosystems, which are home to species of flora and fauna, many of them subject to special protection according to NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010, ”whose preservation is essential to maintain ecological balance, life and human well-being.
”Their ecosystems are particularly vulnerable and susceptible to being affected by human activity, which is why Conanp, in coordination with state and municipal authorities and rescue bodies, have established a series of rules and regulations to ensure the safety of the visitors and protect this important natural heritage,” he added.
Since 2021, access to the Nevado de Toluca has been closed on Mondays, with the aim of allowing the free movement of wildlife and contributing to the recovery of the ecosystem.