Research by the Ministry of Tourism and Nexus Research and Data Intelligence shows that Brazilians’ favorite tourist attraction is the beach, the first option for travel for 35% of the population. Nature and ecotourism appear in second place, with 16%, and then cultural or historical attractions, with 7%, and activities involving health and well-being, also with 7%.
The Summer 2025 Tourism Trends survey, released this Wednesday (15), interviewed 5,542 people, across the country, from October 14 to 28, 2024. The survey was carried out at the request of the Communication Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic.
The results show that natural beauty, low prices and the possibility of meeting relatives and friends are the main factors when deciding on a destination. Natural attractions come first for 23% of respondents, followed by low costs, with 16%, and the possibility of reuniting with family and friends, with 12%.
Regarding sources of information when choosing a destination, almost half (47%) of those interviewed said they use social networks, such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and X. In second place comes the opinion of friends and family (37%) , followed by websites and blogs tourism (22%). Travel agencies and tour operators were cited by 18% and channels online of videos, by 17%.
According to the survey, the majority (61%) of Brazilians take at least one leisure trip per year, with 33% of this group traveling only once; 22%, two to three times; and 6%, four times or more. The survey also showed that 63% of respondents would choose a national destination if they won a prize to go on a trip.
“The research demonstrates the strength of Brazilian tourism. Even though international trips are generally more expensive, if they were offered a cost-paid trip, Brazilians would opt for a national destination. The great diversity of natural beauty, as well as our historical heritage, highlights our potential as a tourist destination and the importance of preservation”, highlighted the Minister of Tourism, Celso Sabino.