The Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and AFP (SBS) seeks to expand the authorization of the services provided by the AFP digital channels, with the aim of improving the communication of affiliates with these managers, as well as promoting the growth of coverage.
For this reason, the SBS published the regulatory project that modifies the regulations applicable to the AFP service channels. Although in recent years this norm had undergone changes with the purpose of promoting the use of alternative channels, what is sought today is to increase the intensity in their use.
This, according to the SBS, with the purpose of: “promoting pension savings, ensuring that an adequate level of quality of the services provided is preserved and guaranteeing the completion of the procedures carried out by members in the SPP without the need for go in person to the AFP agencies.”
If approved, what operations could be carried out in the AFP virtual channels? According to the SBS, the AFPs will be obliged to provide the public, on their face-to-face channels and on their website, at least, the following topics:
- Incorporation into the SPP: individual capitalization account (CIC), mandatory account opening and voluntary account.
- Mandatory contributions to the SPP, insurance premium and commission structure for account management.
- Recognition Bonus.
- Voluntary contributions, with and without a pension purpose.
- Transfers between AFPs.
- Change from one pension fund to another within the same AFP.
- Pension modalities, benefits and pension products in the SPP.
- Retirement: general and special regimes.
- Disability evaluation system and participating organizations.
- Disability and operation of pension insurance.
- Survival, funeral expenses and operation of pension insurance.
- Special retirement regimes in the SPP.
- Multiple funds in the SPP: types of pension funds.
- Minimum pension in the SPP.
- Social security agreements.
The project establishes that the AFPs must implement a service model based on channels, which allows the registration and monitoring of all the procedures they carry out in the SPP, as well as addressing the requirements and complaints of affiliates and the general public.
The AFPs must keep an updated and accessible list of their service channels, which includes location addresses, telephone numbers, web addresses and opening hours. In addition, they must inform that the intervention of third parties is not necessary to carry out the procedures.
Additionally, the AFPs are required to comply with conditions related to the schedules and infrastructure of their channels, reasonableness in response times, clarity in messages for users, among others.
The project is available on the SBS website and the public’s deadline to send their comments to the SBS is 30 calendar days, counting from the day following the date of publication of this resolution in the Official Gazette El Peruano.
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