The president of the Republic, Louis Abinader, ordered this Tuesday night changes in the National Police. He ascended and put in “honorable retirement” eleven brigadier generals from the institution, including Teresa Martinez Hernandez and Neivis Perez Sanchez. The last of the officers was Deputy Director of Police.
The provision is contained in decree 102-22 dated March 1 and released almost at midnight this Tuesday. The official document also places nine other senior officials in the same situation.
Article 3 of the rule of the Executive Power establishes that Teresa Martinez Hernandez she was promoted to major general and placed in retirement with “enjoying her pension.” The officer was deputy director of the National Police and currently she worked as area director of the Women’s Protection Unit in the institution.
against the general Neivis Perez Sancheza minor filed a complaint for alleged psychological abuse, by allegedly threatening her with death if she did not collaborate in a smear campaign against the general Jose Acosta Castellanos. Like the general, he was promoted to major general and will enjoy his corresponding pension, in accordance with article four of the decree.
Same thing happened with Pablo de Jesus Dipre, brigadier general and who in the past was in charge of the Central Cibao General Command. Like the others, he was promoted to major general and will receive his pension. This is provided for in article two of the presidential norm.
Other generals placed “in honorable retirement”
The others promoted to major generals of the National Police and retired from that institution, with a pension, are: Juan Antonio Pilarte Féliz and Francisco Romer López.
Also Valentín A. Rosado Vicioso, César Augusto Sena Rojas, Ludwing Miguel Suardí Correa, Mario E. Objío Morales, Boris C. Goico Campagna and José Delio Mora Reynoso.
The decree establishes that “the payment of these pensions will be made in accordance with the procedures established in the Organic Law of the National Police number 590-13, of July 15, 2016.”
In one of its recitals, the presidential norm establishes that these retired positions, after placing them on the rise, were recommended by the Superior Judicial Council, through resolution CPS 2022-02-008. The reason for the measure “was seniority in the service, by age or by having reached the maximum time spent in the grade (rank)”.