Minister Flávio Dino, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), determined, this Sunday (12), that federal and state governments present, within 30 days, the publication of rules for the use of resources from federal parliamentary amendments in institutions of higher education.
The minister’s decision takes into account the need for “adequate accountability regarding federal parliamentary amendments, with transparency and traceability” both in universities “and in their respective Support Foundations”.
Dino made the determination to the Ministry of Education (MEC), the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU) and the Attorney General of the Union (AGU) and, “by symmetry”, to the States, which must “proceed in the same way”.
Dino called for urgency in publicity and determined that the decision should be made aware of by the presidents of the National Association of Directors of Federal Higher Education Institutions (Andifes) and the Council of Rectors of Brazilian Universities (CRUB).
“Bigger volume”
In the order, the minister contextualized that the CGU presented the results of an audit carried out on the 33 non-profit entities that received the largest volume of commitments and the largest value of payments arising from parliamentary amendments in the period from February 2nd to December 21st in the last year.
“Among the entities selected in the sample, there is a significant number of University Support Foundations (…) there are reports in the records that such Foundations, through hiring NGOs without objective criteria, have served as instruments for transferring amounts arising from parliamentary amendments”, argued the minister.
Flávio Dino is the rapporteur of the action (brought by Psol) against the lack of transparency in the allocation of public resources from the federal Budget, released by the National Congress.
On the last day 3, Dino ordered suspension this Friday (3) the payment of parliamentary amendments to non-transparent Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).
In December, the minister suspended payment of R$4.2 billion in amendments due to the understanding that the resources did not meet the transparency and traceability criteria.
He also ordered the opening of a police investigation to investigate the case. On the last day of the year (31), released R$370 million in amendments Congressional committee on health.