A driver ran over five members of a family, in the district of Parco, province of Jauja, among them is the former subprefect Fanny Jaquiline Andia Gonzales (41), who lost her life instantly, the other injured were taken to the Domingo hospital Olavegoya.
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The incident occurred at around 2:00 am at kilometer 72+800 of the highway in the town center of Ullusca, when the former subprefect was returning to her home with her family. After the accident, the driver fled, leaving those affected at the scene.
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The Acolla highway police arrived at the scene to help the injured and are searching for the vehicle responsible for the accident. The remains of the former subprefect of the Parco district were left on the side of the road until the arrival of the Public Ministry, which He ordered its lifting.