The senator for the province of Sanchez RamirezRicardo de los Santos, called to continue negotiations between the parties involved, always within the framework of mutual respect and commitment to social peace, given the situation raised between the communities of his province and the mining company. Old Town.
De los Santos explained that he has been part of a negotiation process for several months, in order to ensure that an agreement is reached that benefits all parties involved.
He expressed his support for respecting the community rights to be relocated and that said process be carried out by the Pueblo Viejo company, in accordance with the corresponding international standards.
“I recognize and appreciate that both the government and the mining company have adopted a conciliatory and transparent attitude, with the aim of achieving the best agreement for all parties,” said the senator.
Likewise, De los Santos condemned any act of violence that threatens the physical, psychological or material integrity of the community members, the company and the authorities.
“Next Monday we will have a meeting with the participation of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the Church, the company mining, the community members and I, in my capacity as senator of the province of Sánchez Ramírez. “This will be a space for us, within the framework of dialogue and consensus, to seek the best solution for the well-being of all,” he added.
Ricardo de los Santos reaffirmed his call for the continuity of the talksalways in an environment of mutual respect and commitment to social peace.
“We believe that it is possible to reach agreements where all parties win, guaranteeing that communities receive a fair price for its assets, while the company can carry out the necessary expansion and growth processes,” he stated.
The senator considered it essential to recognize and respect the needs of both the communities and the company, working together to achieve solutions that contribute to the sustainable development of the country.
“The cooperation and dialogue are key to a future in which we can all prosper equitable“, he concluded