There are people who during the summer will choose the beachand if there is something that characterizes our country, it is that it is bathed by the coasts of the Pacific Ocean and there are places that are very popular with foreign and national tourists such as Viña del Mar, La Serena, Reñaca or Valparaíso. In this case, we are going to let you know which beach is located in the coast Chileanjust over two hours from Santiago and ideal for visiting.
Although in recent days, in some beaches of our country saw storm surges that made it impossible for tourists to attend, there is another destination that is much better, that is quiet, few know about and that is part of what is called as Chilean coastwhich is a coastal area in the Valparaíso region and is characterized by being a main tourist center and which is all the rage in summer.
The beach that is in the Chilean coast and is located just two hours from Santiago de Chile, it is characterized by being a unique place, where people can enjoy the sea, sand and other activities this summer. It has been defined as the ‘hidden pearl’ and is rich for its diversity.
The coastal beach that is 2 hours from Santiago
The place we are talking about in the Chilean coast is Playa Ritoque, which is located in the Valparaíso region and is characterized by being a little-known place, but with a unique landscape that will allow you to relax. At the same time, it is one of the longest coastal points with a total of 18 kilometers and there are several aspects to take into account.
According to what is published by the TripAdvisor site, Ritoque Beach is difficult to access and is little known, so there is not as much attendance of visitors. It stands out for its strong waves, so swimming is not recommended. To get to this place, you must travel along Route 68 for two hours and it will be ideal to spend the day.