Rodrigo Londoño, known as ‘Timochenko’, The last commander of the FARC, asked this Sunday the Colombian president, Gustavo Petro, to take action “urgent“to guarantee compliance with the Peace Agreement.
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“The peace of Colombia is going through difficult times and it is necessary for you to take urgent corrective measures. You are the head of the State. It is up to you to act in favor of the peace of Colombia”Londoño wrote on his X account.
He also reproached the Colombian Government for “To date, the basic income on which thousands of signatories in reintegration processes depend has not been delivered. Humble people who remain firm with peace despite adversity.”
“I demand the immediate disbursement of basic income”he continued, to show himself “surprised” due to the proposal issued by the Minister of Justice, Ángela María Buitrago, “about the sanctions model of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), in which penal colonies are emulated” and he questioned him: “Is that your government’s model of justice for peace?”
London too regretted the murder of four peace signatories in the month of December, which means that since the signing of the agreement, 443 ex-combatants have been murdered, according to the figures of the former head of the FARC, who requested “guarantees for peace signatories.”
“The people elected him to consolidate peace in Colombia. The cornerstone of his Total Peace policy was compliance with the Peace Agreement between the State and the extinct FARC-EP. I ask that he honor the Agreement and the popular mandate that elected him president”Londono concluded.
Petro became President of Colombia in 2022 with the promise of achieving peace in the country and implementing the Peace AgreementHowever, negotiations with armed groups have not made great progress and it has received multiple criticisms for the partial implementation of that deal.
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