Alfonso Bustamante, representative of the National Confederation of Private Business Institutions (CONFIEP) said that the increase in minimum wage announced today by President Dina Boluarte “It’s political.”
The president announced this morning that the minimum wage increase will be S/ 105 starting in 2025, which will reach S/ 1,130. “We don’t do it thinking about cheap populism (…). We don’t govern by looking at the polls,” he said.
Bustamante told RPP that no agreement was reached in the National Labor Council.
For the businessman, the beneficiaries with this measure reach barely 2% of the working population.
The CONFIEP representative supported this information due to the high rate of informality and warned that large companies do not pay minimum wage.
“The largest employer in Peru today is the agribusiness sector, which employs just over a million people directly and another million indirectly. That million already has a beta bonus that is 30% higher than the minimum remuneration,” he said. after adding that formal micro and small businesses are the ones that will be most affected.
The CONFIEP spokesperson considered that the announcement It was “much ado about nothing” and affects the microentrepreneurs of the country.
“What we would like most is for it to multiply (and this is achieved with competitiveness and efficiency),” he told RPP, while warning that informality is a “cancer” that keeps workers in a precarious situation.
He stressed that CONFIEP’s position is deeply technical.
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