As of the entry into force of said decree, it is established that the Federal Executive, through the agency in charge of developing and conducting telecommunications and broadcasting policies, will guarantee the right of access to information and communication technologies, as well as services. broadcasting and telecommunications, including broadband and internet.
While the information that refers to private life and personal data will be protected by the obligated subjects who will have sufficient powers to care for it,
In this way, obligated subjects must promote, respect, protect and guarantee the rights of access to public information and the protection of personal data.
While the body in charge of regulating and coordinating the National Statistical and Geographic Information System will also be in charge of measuring poverty and evaluating the programs, objectives, goals and actions of the social development policy, as well as to issue recommendations and establish the forms of coordination of the agency with federal, local and municipal authorities for the exercise of its functions.
While the Federal Executive Branch, through the agency in charge of conducting and supervising the country’s energy policy, will have powers to carry out technical and economic regulation, as well as the power to sanction energy and hydrocarbon matters.
It is also established that the Executive institution that is responsible for formulating and conducting the general policies of industry, foreign trade, internal trade, supply and prices of the country, will have the necessary powers to comply with said objective.
In addition, now the National Institute of Elections and Consultations will have jurisdiction to hear matters related to access to public information and the protection of personal data in charge of political parties; It will also hear about appeals for review filed by individuals regarding the resolutions of political parties.
The Federal Executive, through the authority on free competition and competition, must also prevent, investigate and combat monopolies, monopolistic practices, concentrations and other restrictions on the efficient functioning of markets, in the terms established by the Constitution and the laws.
Also, the Federal Executive, through the authority on free competition and competition, will exclusively exercise the powers of economic competition to asymmetrically regulate participants in the telecommunications and broadcasting markets with the aim of effectively eliminating competition. barriers to competition and free competition.
It will impose limits on the national and regional concentration of frequencies, concessions and cross-ownership that controls several media outlets that are broadcasting and telecommunications concessionaires that serve the same market or geographical coverage area, and will order the divestment of assets, rights or parts necessary to ensure compliance with these limits, guaranteeing the provisions of articles 6 and 7 of the Constitution.