A difference of up to 188% in the prices of the most common Christmas dinner products was found in a survey by Procon in São Paulo. The survey took into account 122 food items researched in commercial establishments in 11 municipalities in São Paulo, including São Paulo, between December 9th and 13th.
In the capital of São Paulo, the biggest price difference found was 126.2% in the value of a kilo of green olives with pits in bulk – in one place the product was being sold for R$ 69.90 and, in another, for R$ $30.90.
In the interior and coast, the biggest price difference was recorded in Baixada Santista, where Yoki’s traditional ready-made farofa (400g) cost R$9.49 in one place and R$3.29 in another, a difference of 188. 4%.
Among panettone and chocotone, one of the most consumed items at this time, the biggest price difference in the capital of São Paulo was 109.1%: Seven Boys Panettone Frutas (400g) cost R$ 22.99 in an establishment and R$ 10 .99 in another.
In Bauru, in the interior of the state, there was a large variation, of 142.7%, in relation to Panco’s chocolate chip panettone (400g), it was sold for R$ 28.89 in one establishment and R$ 11.90 in another .
“As there is no tabulation and fluctuations reflect both market prices and demand, values may change depending on the date of purchase, due to discounts, offers and promotions. Furthermore, even stores within the same chain may charge different prices in different regions. Therefore, the recommendation is to research, because it is the best tool to save money”, highlighted the executive director of Procon-SP, Luiz Orsatti Filho.
In addition to the capital of São Paulo, price collection was carried out in Sorocaba, Presidente Prudente, Bauru, São José do Rio Preto, Ribeirão Preto, Campinas, Jundiaí and São José dos Campos. On the coast, data was collected in Santos and São Vicente.
The full survey can be seen here.