Clear consolidates its leadership after achieving first place among companies in the telecommunications sector with Best Corporate Reputation in the Dominican Republic, according to the ranking 2024 prepared by the Business Monitor of Corporate Reputation (MERCO).
In this second edition, Claro Dominican remains positioned as one of the five Companies with the Best Corporate Reputation throughout the country with a score of 8.8 out of 10 awarded by the prestigious international monitor audited by KPMG and present in more than 19 countries, which highlights the 100 most responsible companies with the best reputation in each region.
The distinction obtained by MERCOa measurement tool internationally recognized for its rigorous and transparent methodologies, reflects the positive impact of Claro Dominican in society and its dedication to offering connectivity services that promote both education, entertainment and the development of communities, while enabling the country’s productive sectors.
The company thanks the Dominicans, managers and the panel of experts, who evaluated and positively valued the work and contributions of Clear to Dominican society.
With this new achievement, Claro Dominican demonstrates that its corporate purpose of making a better country possible impacts and transforms the lives of all Dominicans.