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Rapporteur changes rules in the PEC on cutting expenses for super salaries
The rapporteur of the proposed amendment to the Constitution (PEC) of the spending cut package, Moses Rodrigues (União-CE), made a series of changes to the government’s original proposal. In the text presented

What is needed to get a Colombian passport for the first time?
Any citizen who is planning a trip abroad and does not have a Colombian passport should know that it is an essential document. and that will be requested by national and international

“We want them to do justice,” asks the family of a young victim of violence
HAVANA, Cuba. – “The only thing we want is justice,” say the relatives of Eloy Ernesto Chirino Luzardo, a young victim of a brutal attack on the 1st. of October. His attacker
200 migrants detained in Chihuahua; in Texas they throw tear gas at them
Jesús Estrada and Rubén Villalpando Correspondents La Jornada NewspaperThursday, December 19, 2024, p. 9 Chihuahua, Chih., Agents from the National Guard (GN) and the National Migration Institute (INM) stopped a cargo train

Ortega snatches C$834 million from universities’ budget and UNEN remains silent, submissive and obedient
The dictatorship of Daniel Ortega, which has already definitively disappeared university autonomy and now manipulates higher education in the country at will, ordered this week to take from these educational institutions more