The National Directorate of Traffic Security of the Police, in its weekly report presented in official media, revealed that in the last two months, in which it has applied the coercive measure of detention of people who are found behind the wheel without a driver’s license, has detained a total of 2,202 people.
The coercive measure of detention of people who drive without a license, for a period of between 24 and 72 hours, has been applied by the institution since last October 21.
Commissioner General Jaime Vanegas, Inspector General of the Police, explained that the people who have been detained are because “they do not have a license, they do not have registration and they expose people to danger.”
In addition, he revealed that for now they continue to be detained for 24 hours if it is the first time that they are found committing this violation of Law 431, and if they are repeat offenders they can spend up to 72 hours in jail and their vehicle sent to the Vehicle Depot of each municipality. .
General Commissioner Vilma Reyes, at the beginning of December, had warned that people found without a driver’s license would be detained for 48 hours, even if it was the first time they committed said violation.
Recently, dictator Daniel Ortega warned that they will work on a plan to reduce the number of people killed in traffic accidents, and warned drivers not to then “get upset” when the police stop them or take away their driver’s licenses.
Almost 900 people died on the roads
Inspector General Vanegas also detailed that between January 1 and December 15 of this year, a total of 897 people have died in traffic accidents and 2,639 were injured, especially in situations in which drivers were speeding. and in a state of intoxication.
The institution indicated that as part of the work they do to reduce traffic accidents, they have suspended 38,933 driver’s licenses, and they have arrested 5,673 people who were behind the wheel while intoxicated.
People who are arrested while intoxicated spend 48 hours in jail, are handed over to their families with the pertinent recommendations, and their vehicles are detained in municipal warehouses.