This Monday, December 16, 2024, the National Social Security Administration (ANSES), which is chaired by Mariano de los Heros, will continue with the payment schedule corresponding to the last month of the year.
This month, the ANSES It allowed retirements, pensions and family allowances to receive an increase of 2.69% due to the mobility formula that takes the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for October 2024 as a reference.
In addition, retirement and pension holders with minimum salaries will receive a bonus of 70 thousand pesos plus half of the bonus. Retirees and pensioners who do not exceed the minimum earnings will receive today. These minimum assets have been updated to $259,598,762.
Beneficiaries with DNI ending in 8 and 9 will receive their payments today. Families that receive the AUH and SUAF will also receive payment today. Beneficiaries with DNI ending in 5 will receive their payments today.
Pregnant women and those receiving prenatal and maternity benefits will also receive their payments today. Beneficiaries with DNI ending in 4 and 5 will receive their payments today. Single payment allowances for marriage, adoption and birth will also be paid today.
All document completions by January 10 will receive their payments today. Recipients of unemployment benefits with DNI ending in 0 and 1 will receive their payments today. The payment schedule ANSES It is crucial to ensure that all beneficiaries receive their benefits on time and efficiently.
This system helps maintain the economic stability of families and ensure that seniors can live with dignity. Despite the efforts of ANSESsome beneficiaries have expressed concerns about the timeliness and amount of payments.
The current administration has promised to improve the efficiency of the system and ensure that all beneficiaries receive their benefits without delays. This Monday, December 16, 2024, ANSES will continue with the payment schedule, ensuring that retirees, pensioners and beneficiaries of family allowances receive their salaries.
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