New service from the Municipality through a WHATSAPP number
At a press conference, which was held in the Departmental Executive Session Room, the Mayor announced a new service that the Commune will begin to provide.
Through a WHATSAPP message, taxpayers will be able to access information on the due date of the different taxes and also on possible debts.
“Today’s world leads to having a much more fluid and faster exchange with institutions, with Administrations, in this case with the Municipality, that is done through digital platforms” express José Yurramendi.
“For some time now we have been working from the Municipality’s teams and with a private company in the search of having a more agile communication system so that the taxpayer can contact the Municipality and thus obtain different types of information” explained the Communal Chief of Cerro Largo.
“This new service consists of a telephone number to which the citizen can send a chat and through that channel automatically, mechanized by a robot, make different queries about tax due dates, Municipality services” advancement.
These are communication systems that are already in operation in many public agencies of the Central State, the Decentralized Entities and Services, for example. “The Municipality today takes the step to new technology, to the new form of communication” stood out.
“In this way we are bringing the Municipality closer to all homes, to each of the families, who, without having to leave their homes, will be able to have a round trip with the Administration from a cell phone” Yurramendi remarked.
“We are going to start with the basic services and as citizens require it, as the services are proposed, the spectrum of attention will be expanded through this Web Chat, digital attention from the number 092 265 265” revealed the Mayor of Cerro Largo.
“The main objective of this tool is to improve communication between the Commune and citizens. It is nothing more than a virtual assistant based on Artificial Intelligence that is designed to answer questions, provide information and try to resolve the different concerns of citizens.” explained Jonathan Cisneros.
“It is a system that does not replace the channels that currently exist, but is one more channel so that citizens can communicate” he added. “It will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week” he stressed. “It will be a way through which we will try to solve different concerns automatically” advertisement. “In the event that this does not happen, we will have staff behind us who will try to channel these queries as quickly and efficiently as possible.” reported