The Colombian Chamber of Electronic Commerce (CCCE) presented the report: Electronic Commerce in 2021 and Perspectives 2022, to analyze the evolution of the industry in the country and what can be expected in its behavior for this year.
(Radiography of ‘e-commerce’ in Colombia).
Among the findings, it was noted that between 2016 and 2021, online sales tripled and they went from $13.3 trillion to $39.9 trillion in 2021. In addition, it was shown that last year electronic commerce showed a greater participation in total commerce than before the pandemic.
Regarding the expectations for 2022, María Fernanda Quiñones, executive president of the CCCE, specified that the report pointed out that the sales of goods through electronic commerce they will grow about 15% nominal per annum“recovering the trend of positive growth”.
(1,110 ‘startups’ are part of the innovative ecosystem of Colombia).
“For this year we also expect sales of the categories of services marketed through e-commerce to increase by 20.3%, with a boost led by the tourism sector. In general, we expect non-present sales to grow 19% during 2022, compared to what was observed in 2021”, said Quiñones.
According to the CCCE, in the first quarter of 2021, the average ticket maintained the downward trend that was observed during 2020. However, in the last semester of last year there was a sustained growth in the average value of purchases through digital commerce “as a consequence of the recovery of the tourism sector (one of the categories with the highest average ticket) and due to the days without VAT,” the Chamber explained in its report.