The Camera of Deputies received the award “Institutional work in support of the industrial sector”, awarded by the Industry Association of the Dominican Republic (AIRD).
The recognition ceremony was attended by president Luis Abinader.
He president of the legislative body, Alfredo Pachecoupon receiving the award from the board of the AIRDheaded by his presidentJulio Virgilio Brache, said that this distinction is a stimulus to work, not only of the deputies, but also of each of the collaborators of the departments that make up the Camera of Deputies.
“On behalf of all legislators of the Camera of DeputiesI want to express our sincere gratitude to the Association of Industries of the Dominican Republic, especially to its presidentJulio Virgilio Brache, and, in his person, to each of its members, for honoring us with the award for Institutional Work in Support of the Industrial Sector,” said Pacheco during the activity held at the El Embajador hotel.
He stated that the Camera of Deputies has demonstrated a firm commitment to productive sectorthrough the constructive dialogue with the industrial and business sector, carrying out the exchange of ideas with various sectors of society, which has left significant advances in the economic developmentin the social inclusionthe environment, health, international trade among others.
“We recognize that we coincide in this space with other participants equally committed to the sector, and receiving this distinction, the maximum recognition to those who contribute to industrial growth, drives us to continue working with dedication on our legislative agenda, thus strengthening the social, industrial and business development of the Dominican Republic,” he stated.
words of president of the AIRD
On his side, the president of the AIRDJulio Brache, stated that, as a union, they have had their doors wide open to team up with the public sectorwithin the framework of a public-private alliance that permeates all actions to benefit the industrialization of the country, with action plans and clearly defined interlocutors to seek solutions to the challenges and responses to the concerns of the sector that we represent.
He said that the industrial companies They are the key players, but they cannot be successful teams if they do not have a public institutional framework that facilitates the investmentsa framework that promotes legal certainty and macroeconomic stability, which increases productivity and exports, reducing bureaucratic steps to a minimum.
“We publicly recognize institutions such as the Camera of Deputieswho have stood out for being the creators of initiatives that strengthen the institutionality in the country,” said Brache.
In addition, of president Abinader, the activity was attended by Mario Pujols, vice president of the Association of Industries of the Dominican Republic, Celso Juan Marranzini, president of the National Council of Private Enterprise, Ricardo de los Santos, president of the Senate, Fabián Suárez, president of the Dominican National Brewery, the businesswoman Elena Viyeya, the Minister of the Presidency, José Ignacio Paliza and other personalities.