The First Collegiate Court of Santiago sentenced a man to eight years in prison man accused of abuse sexually and psychologically against a minor of 15 years of agewhom he threatened to kill and beat so that she would film herself naked and send him the content pornographic that he then distributed.
The events took place since the victimwhose name is omitted to protect his fundamental rights, was 12 years old. age.
He man found guilty of the abuse against the teenager, the prosecution identifies him as Maicol Mera Chávez.
The litigant who represented the Prosecutor’s Office of Santiago, Yarily Toribio, expressed to the judges of the First Collegiate Court that the offense committed to the detriment of the minor affects your development integral and psychosexual, damages her dignity and represents a trauma for her life, as she was subjected to experiences that do not correspond to her age nor their interests.
A communication press release from the Public Ministry details that with the passage of time, the accused showed a violent attitude against the minor whom he forced to undress, so that he could record himself and send him the content pornographic, ordering that he do it with the specifications of poses, type of clothing, and specific times in which he should send it.
Once the parents of the minor discovered the conversations of this with the accused, they intervened so that the adult moved away and did not bother her, but, on the contrary, the convicted person increased the persecution and violent attitude towards the minor.
The information establish that, on several occasions, he intercepted the victimin various places and the attacked physically, in addition to threatening her with publishing the content in photos and videos that he requested through threats.
Violence and control psychological
The Prosecutor’s Office de Santiago obtained the results of the digital forensic expertise, duly authorized under order number 01426-2023, as evidence that Mera Chávez incurred in the production, dissemination, acquisition and intentional possession of child pornography, concludes the Prosecutor’s Office from Santiago.