He Working Woman Bonuswhich began to be delivered on October 30, is a subsidy created to support women who seek economic stability and who meet certain vulnerability requirements. The central objective of this benefit is to encourage female participation in the labor market and improve their income. The bonus, administered by the State, is paid directly to the RUT Account of each beneficiary, and is compatible with both dependent and independent jobs.
To access the Working Woman Bonus, it is necessary to meet six requirements specific. First of all, the beneficiary must be a woman, be between 25 and 59 years old and be registered within the 40% of the most vulnerable households in Chile, according to the Social Household Registry.
Others requirements They include formal employment and up-to-date contributions, since the benefit seeks to promote job stability. Women who receive the bonus can work in formal employment, either as dependent or independent workers, but they must have their contributions up to date. Additionally, people who work in state institutions or in private companies that receive state financing of 50% or more cannot access this benefit.
He bond It offers two payment methods, adjusted to the preferences of each beneficiary. On the one hand, there is the option of a monthly payment of up to $42,377, the amount of which varies depending on each person’s salary. For those who prefer to receive a single annual payment, the sum can reach $646,973, calculated based on the beneficiary’s annual income. Women who opt for the monthly payment must have a gross monthly income of less than $535,148, while those who opt for the annual payment must not exceed a gross income of $6,421,781 in the year.
This bond It will be paid monthly on already established dates, with the next payment being on November 29 and the last this year on December 30. This programming allows beneficiaries to organize in advance and forecast their income for the coming months.